Further Hurdles in the Ability to Schedule Timely JDRs

The Court of King's Bench has recently issued a Notice to the Profession regarding Judicial Dispute Resolution (“JDR”) in Calgary and Edmonton. Due to significant shortages in “judicial resources” the number of Justices available for JDRs will be scaled backed.

Effective in the fall of 2014, the number of Justices available to hear JDRs will be reduced from 3 to 2 per week in each Calgary and Edmonton. This reduction is likely to result in even greater difficulties for parties seeking to obtain available dates.

We recommend parties consider alternatives to JDR for the immediate future and at least until “judicial resources” are fully replenished. Alternatives to JDR include mediation and arbitration. McLennan Ross counsel are familiar with both and can guide clients through the process with ease. In addition, McLennan Ross houses a large complement of skilled mediators and arbitrators to meet the needs of litigants during this period.

We will continue to monitor developments on this front and report accordingly. Should you have any questions or require any assistance please do not hesitate to contact the following:

Litigation: Don Dear, K.C.
Insurance: Alexis Moulton

Litigation: Graham McLennan, K.C.
Insurance: Sandra Weber