Graem White


Graem White

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Graem works closely with clients to determine the most efficient path to resolution. He strives to achieve each client’s objective through transparency, collaboration, and effective communication.

Graem maintains a broad litigation practice. He is also experienced with labour and employment, municipal law, and education law matters. Graem adopts a goal-oriented stance to practicing law, working with his clients to deliver practical solutions to legal issues.

A skilled courtroom advocate, Graem has assisted in litigation matters before the Alberta Court of Justice and the Alberta Court of King's Bench. He has been actively involved in pre-trial conferences, mediations, judicial dispute resolutions, applications for interlocutory and procedural matters, and special chambers hearings. In addition, he has been involved in matters heard before the Alberta Labour Relations Board and the Alberta Human Rights Tribunal, and he has experience conducting workplace investigations.

When working with Graem, clients can expect an organized and thorough legal process. He is approachable, relatable, and an interactive listener. He sets objectives and expectations upfront and is responsive to the questions and concerns raised by his clients. His ability to simplify intricate matters coupled with his tailored approach instills confidence and assures his clients they’re in capable hands.