Corbin Devlin


Corbin Devlin

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A full understanding of the complex issues in the construction, energy, and resource industries is critical to having a positive outcome in lawsuits, arbitrations, and negotiations. Corbin Devlin’s experience brings everything needed to the table – technical knowledge, legal strategy, and practical business sense. 

Corbin balances all the intricacies – the people, the financial, and the technical – of the construction industry. He represents construction owners, general contractors, trade contractors, suppliers, and design professionals in litigation, arbitration and negotiation. When his clients have an emergency or urgent matter, Corbin responds with timely solutions and advice.  When his clients need risk management or contract strategy advice at the front end, Corbin protects his clients’ interests by recognizing, preventing and mitigating the broad range of construction risks.

His litigation experience includes professional liability claims, contract disputes, construction defect and delay claims, negligence actions, builders’ liens, and commercial matters including tendering disputes. His years of litigating construction contract disputes have also made him highly effective at drafting and negotiating tough-but-fair construction contracts.

Corbin has previous experience in the environmental field, where he represented both industry and stakeholders, with a particular focus on resolving contaminated site claims. He has successfully represented industry clients and landowners in regulatory investigations and enforcement actions.

He is cost-sensitive and creative and knows the needs of each client will dictate the best path to resolution. Whether it’s pursuing a negotiated outcome or a more litigious approach, clients can rest assured Corbin will always be there to protect their bottom line with practical and efficient solutions. For him, all roads must lead to results. 

Corbin stays up-to-date and current with rapid change in the modern construction field. He regularly presents internal seminars for his clients, to improve their understanding and management of legal risks. He is frequently asked by construction clients to conduct educational sessions on diverse topics such as contracting risks, builders’ liens, and tendering law. He also speaks to industry clients on civil and regulatory liability issues, investigations and enforcement, and professional liability.