Michelle Thériault


Michelle Thériault

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Employers view Michelle as a valuable resource and strategic partner. In her labour and employment practice, she acts for many municipalities, public sector employers, private sector employers and charitable organizations throughout the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Practicing exclusively in the North, Michelle frequently advises on the distinct legal landscape of northern employers, and the interaction between federal and territorial legislation.

Michelle has significant collective bargaining experience with a range of northern employers. She has successfully bargained a number of collective agreements for employers by advocating for the needs and mandate of the employer, while recognizing the interests of the union. She understands the unique context of bargaining in the North, and the importance of maintaining constructive relationships in workplace, even during difficult bargaining.

Michelle has also provided advice and representation to employers where collective bargaining has not been successful. She has worked with employers to prepare and strategize for labour disruptions and essential services, and has made a number of applications to the Canada Industrial Relations Board in this regard. Michelle also understands and recognizes the history of labour disputes in the North, and the impact it has in the workplace during difficult collective bargaining.

Northern employers frequently turn to Michelle for advice and representation regarding labour matters. She has considerable knowledge and experience with labour law principles, and frequently provides advice and legal opinions to employers with respect to employee discharge and discipline. Michelle also provides advice on matters related to non-union employees, including employment contracts, discipline, and termination. She is recognized by her clients for delivering sound and practical advice on labour relations and employment law matters.

Michelle also acts for employers in wrongful dismissal claims, and frequently represents employers in labour arbitrations, human rights, and employment standards hearings. Further, she has represented employers in several judicial review applications.

Michelle’s experience extends to providing advice and representation concerning occupational health and safety, as well as privacy matters. Michelle has represented employers in matters before the WSCC Appeals Tribunal, as well as in matters before the Northwest Territories Information and Privacy Commissioner.

Michelle navigates these complex and delicate legal matters with diligence and tact. She tirelessly strives to achieve each client’s goal, occasionally wrapping up arbitrations under the North’s midnight sun. Considerate and determined, she has never lost sight of what originally drew her to labour law, the belief in the importance of labour relations and its profound impact on people’s lives.