Webinar: Alberta Class Actions in the COVID Era

Mountain Time

The COVID-19 pandemic has created severe challenges for countless individuals and businesses alike. Many of these challenges are significant, widespread and have been devastating, economically and otherwise. These challenges have spawned COVID-19 related class actions and it is likely that many more such actions will follow in the months to come. COVID-19 related class actions can possibly threaten the existence of your business or the business of your clients and insureds. Please join Don Dear, Q.C. and Don McGarvey, Q.C. for a webinar on Alberta Class Actions in the COVID Era and how to effectively defend them.

Topics they will explore include:

  • What is a Class Action?
  • Effective Defence Strategies for Class Actions.
  • COVID-19 Related Class Actions filed to date.
  • What does the future hold for COVID-19 Related Class Actions?

Time: 12:00 – 1:00 PM (MST)

Cost: Complimentary

Date: June 18, 2020


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